This Video Will Get You Fired Up To Train

… at least, I hope it will. I made it for Toro BJJ with that intention. As a bonus, if you train in North Carolina or parts of Virginia, you will probably know someone  in at least one of the clips.

That’s Seth Shamp doing the music and voiceover. The script is down below if you want to read it afterward.



It starts today.

You will roll just one minute longer.
You will get another round in.
You will drag yourself out of the gym exhausted.
You will. You will. You will.
It starts next week.
You will train more than ever.
You will hit that new sweep.
You will submit that guy you’ve never been able to tap.
You will. You will. You will.
It starts next year.
You will get that gold medal.
You will get that weight off.
You will get to where you want to go.
And people will ask you. And people will ask you. And people will ask you.
What is your secret? What’s the trick? What is your gimmick?
Your gimmick is you take a gi with you wherever you go.
The trick is being the first one on the mat.
Your secret is being the last one to leave.
It starts today. It starts tomorrow. It starts next year.
This is your life. It never stops.
This is your world. Train jiujitsu in it.

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